Health and integration of immigrant women

An issue of rights from intersectionality and multi-governance

  • Aitana Torró i Calabuig Universitat de València
Keywords: integration, healthcare, gender, inmigration, intersecionality


When it comes to accessing healthcare services, immigrant women – especially those in an irregular administrative situation – will come up against specific obstacles, as a result of the various axes of inequality that run through them and shape their social location. Thus, the aim is to expose the need to incorporate an intersectional and gender approach in integration policies, concretely those related to the healthcare field, through the analysis of existing state and autonomic legislation, which will reveal the progress achieved and the persistent deficiencies in this area.


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How to Cite
Torró i Calabuig, A. (2024). Health and integration of immigrant women: An issue of rights from intersectionality and multi-governance. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (43), 70-100.