The feminist public-social/community paradigm of care

  • María del Mar Rojas Buendía Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: feminism, democratization, rights, public-socio/community care, good practices


The Strategic Plan for Effective Equality of Women and Men 2022-2025, includes the Government's political agenda on equality and contains a catalog of public care policies. Our objective is to identify the rights achieved and contribute to the vindication of new rights, allowing the feminist public commitment to care and social/community life to be energized in public spaces. In the public sphere, we reflect on the necessary transition of the care services system from the public-private to the public-social/community. This model values its specificities, proximity and quality, as a source of democratization, inclusion and social cohesion.


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How to Cite
Rojas Buendía, M. del M. (2024). The feminist public-social/community paradigm of care. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (44), 82-96.