Who provides care in Spain?

  • Karina A. Huertas Arauco Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: caregivers, precarious employment, migrant women, community care, gender equality


This statement was presented as part of the seminar 'Towards a Model of Community Care and Support: A Feminist Perspective.' It addresses the precariousness and challenges faced by caregivers in Spain, both professional and non-professional. It highlights that the majority are women, many of them migrants, who experience unfavorable working conditions and lack adequate support, impacting their mental health and economic situation. The presentation reinforces the urgent need to improve these working conditions to revalue the sector, attract more people, and promote gender equality, emphasizing the significant economic impact of unpaid care work.


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How to Cite
Huertas Arauco, K. A. (2024). Who provides care in Spain?. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (44), 97-102. https://doi.org/10.20318/universitas.2024.8684