role of culture in the community care model for the elderly in Rwanda

A role of culture in the community care model for the elderly in Rwanda

  • Camila Mies Vargas
Keywords: community care models, gender perspective, cultural influence, Rwanda


Community and support care models for the elderly focus on collaboration and shared responsibility to provide personalized care. This article emphasizes the importance of integrating a gender perspective into these models, assessing how they address the specific challenges faced by women in contexts of intersectional discrimination. It invites reflection on how culture influences the valuation and care of the elderly, with a special focus on Rwanda and its current situation.


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How to Cite
Mies Vargas, C. (2024). role of culture in the community care model for the elderly in Rwanda: A role of culture in the community care model for the elderly in Rwanda. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (44), 103-113.