The incorporation of an intersectional method in discrimination cases analysis. A review of the outcomes from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights.

  • Priscilla Brevis-Cartes Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
Keywords: Intersectional, discrimination, vulnerability, access to justice, gender


This article reviews the introduction of an intersectional method in cases analysis, namely, the use of an intersectional analysis of the discrimination against women in outcomes from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and sentences from the European Court of Human Rights. On the one hand, this research presents intersectionality as an analysis method of human rights cases, via two key concepts: special vulnerability situation and interrelation of discrimination factors; and, on the other hand, it reveals the gaps regarding its use in both human rights courts.


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How to Cite
Brevis-Cartes , P. (2024). The incorporation of an intersectional method in discrimination cases analysis. A review of the outcomes from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (45), 57-80.