La realeza divina en el mundo maya clásico. Evidencias epigráficas e iconográficas

  • Asier Rodríguez Manjavacas Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Maya, divine rulership, politics, epig­raphy, iconography


Prehispanic Maya rulers performed duties and bore titles that link them di­rectly with the sacred. Moreover, many iconographic and epigraphic evidences show that, at least during the Classic pe­riod (250-900 a. C.), they were regarded as divine kings, were even worshipped probably and took up the highest ritual responsabilities. The end of Classic cul­ture also means the end of the sacred nature of power aparently, but the ruler kept important religious duties until the arrival of Spaniards.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Manjavacas, A. (2016). La realeza divina en el mundo maya clásico. Evidencias epigráficas e iconográficas. ARYS, (12), 481-507. Retrieved from