Roman Sol and Sol Invictus: circus and ludi in Rome

  • Lorenzo Pérez Yarza Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: Sol, Sun, Roman religion, Ludi, quadriga, Circus Maximus, orientalizing


The Sun is present to a greater or lesser extent in all Ancient Religions. Various Mediterranean versions of the same god came into contact due to Hellenism and to Roman Empire later, sharing theonyms, epithets and symbology.  As a result of that, diverse Greco-Roman and Oriental epikleseis of Sun developed a common language. However, beyond formal similarities Sol’s vinculation with Ludi and quadrigae is revealed as exclusively Roman.


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How to Cite
Pérez Yarza, L. (2018). Roman Sol and Sol Invictus: circus and ludi in Rome. ARYS, (15), 215-246.