Tingere l’anima

  • Ezio Albrile Investigador independiente. Cesmeo, Turín
Keywords: Christian Art, Gnosticism, Nag Hammadi texts, Alchemy, Hermeticism


In a little church of northern Italy (in Valdurna-Durnholz, near Bolzano) we can find paintings from the fifteenth century where we have ancient Gnostic-Alchemical themes, again. These works, show an angel washing a soul and gives it the heavenly baptism, something that we find also in a Nag Hammadi text as the Gospel of Philip. In this text, the soul’s purification is described as an act of washing and dipping in a cleansing substance; this is a lexicon coming from the washing and the dying of clothes, and particularly from the Alchemical manipulations. Alchemical Hermeticism, Gnosticism and Christianity share a common soteriological view which has been passed to the West in ways often difficult to understand.


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How to Cite
Albrile, E. (2017). Tingere l’anima. ARYS, (13), 189-206. https://doi.org/10.20318/arys.2017.3846