Competing for the Emperor: Games and Festivals in Honour of Hadrian

  • Rocío Gordillo Hervás Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
Keywords: Hadrianeia, Greek athletics, euerge­sia, civic elites, imperial cult


This article analyzes the agonistic events that were held in honour of the emperor Hadrian by the cities of East Mediterranean during the first two cen­turies AD, with a special focus on the city-elites’ attempt to obtain the emper­or’s favour by means of these games. In the first part of the article, the cities that organized these agones are classified ac­cording to four categories: 1) cities that introduced agonistic contests dedicated to the emperor within their traditional agones; 2) cities that organized games ex novo and presumably celebrated them on a single occasion; 3) cities that organized games ex novo and made them permanent events; 4) cities whose games, which were created ex novo, are included in the new Hadrianean calen­dar. This classification will allow, in the second part of the article, to underline both the degree of closeness between Hadrian and the various city-elites and the special status acquired by those cit­ies whose agones were included in Had­rian’s nea periodos.


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How to Cite
Gordillo Hervás, R. (2019). Competing for the Emperor: Games and Festivals in Honour of Hadrian. ARYS, (16), 177-205.