Lexicon, uses and spaces of the cult images in the Greek sacred laws

  • Jorge Tomás García Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Sacred laws, άγαλμα, εἰκών, images, color, costumes, Cos


The Greek lexicon offers a huge variety of concepts to define the use and presence of images in the religious and ritual context. Taking as a field of study the sacred Greek laws and their epigraphic corpora, we propose in this article to define the presence of άγαλμα and εἰκών in these “direct sources”, and the most significant uses of the colors and costumes of the ritual actors in the space of these images.


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How to Cite
Tomás García, J. (2019). Lexicon, uses and spaces of the cult images in the Greek sacred laws. ARYS, (17), 13-35. https://doi.org/10.20318/arys.2019.4603