The vulva of Attis

Keywords: Androgyny, Attis, Cibeles, Phrygia, vulva


The iconography of Attis’ clothing is varied. One of the most characteristic types is the image of the god with the open dress showing often his sex. The way the tunic is opened leaves no doubt: it represents a vulva. It is suggesting imagining that this form alludes to the moment of the myth whereby the castration takes place. Catullus’s Carmen 63 is a good propaedeutic material for the problem. Beyond the verification of the sexual ambiguity of the emasculated god, the interesting point in this case is that the ambiguity is resolved by means of an ideological mechanism of opposition of opposites: what is not clearly virile, seems feminine. Consequently, the representation of the clothing is used to resolve a conflict generated in the observers who badly endure generic lack of definition: the loss of the male sex is clothed with the female genital mark.


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Anexo: Atis con túnica abierta (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 1. Estela de El Pireo (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 2. Atis de Ostia (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 3. Patera de Parabiago (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 4. Thymaterion del Louvre (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 5.1. Atis de Maastricht (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 5.2. Atis de Asia Menor (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 6. Mapa de la distribución de Atis con túnica abierta (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 7. Atis del Palatino 1 (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 8. Atis del Palatino 2 (Español (España)) : 0
Fig. 9. Atis del Palatino 3 (Español (España)) : 0
How to Cite
Alvar Ezquerra, J., López Gómez, J. C., & Pañeda Murcia, B. (2019). The vulva of Attis. ARYS, (17), 191-226.