Daughters of the night (I): myth, gender and nocturnity in Ancient Greece

  • Iván Pérez Miranda Universidad de Salamanca
  • Juan Ramón Carbó García Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: Nyx, Hesiod, Theogony, Gender, Greek Mythology


This paper focuses on the figure of Nyx in Hesiod´s Theogony, and on her feminine offspring. The authors try to analyze if the feminine condition of these night creatures grant them a negative nature in the ancient Greek mentality. They concluded that the night was not considered to be evil, but ambiguous, mysterious and complex.


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How to Cite
Pérez Miranda, I., & Carbó García, J. R. (2020). Daughters of the night (I): myth, gender and nocturnity in Ancient Greece. ARYS, (8), 129-140. Retrieved from https://e-revistas.uc3m.es/index.php/ARYS/article/view/5344