Excommunication and the Politics of Piety in Ambrose of Milan

  • David Natal Villazala Royal Holloway, University of London
Keywords: Ambrose of Milan, penance, excommunicacion, political communication


This article explores the excommunica­tion of Theodosius in 390 AD and argues that, although the massacre of Thessalonica precipitated Ambrose’s condemnation, this episode was not a spontaneous event, but rather the result of the latter’s intellectual interest in the political and soteriological effects of penance. Deeply influenced by biblical exegesis, Ambrose portrayed The­odosius’ excommunication as a triumph for both himself and the emperor. How­ever, later Christian sources predominantly depicted this event as a direct clash between church and state, an interpretation that has endured to the present day.


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How to Cite
Natal Villazala, D. (2024). Excommunication and the Politics of Piety in Ambrose of Milan. ARYS, (22), 403-426. https://doi.org/10.20318/arys.2024.7648