Henotheising Paganism and the Religion of Abraham in Late Antiquity

  • Guy G. Stroumsa The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. University of Oxford
Keywords: Abraham, Ḥanīf, Hanputa, Julian, Marinus, Sozomen, Theos Hypsistos


This article seeks to contribute to a bet­ter understanding of the dynamics between monotheistic and polytheistic conceptions in Late Antiquity, in particular in relation to the Hypsistarians. It does so through an analysis of Abraham’s status as a culture hero beyond Jewish and Christian milieus. The article also insists on the fact that one must speak of continuum rather than of polarity between the various theological attitudes. Through a close reading of some essential testimonies, it highlights the fun­damental fluidity of traditional categories in the History of Religions, such as mono­theism and polytheism, as well as the dia­lectics between popular religion and that of philosophers, or between universalism and particularism. It also offers a new sug­gestion about the origin of the puzzling Qur’anic concept of ḥanīf.


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How to Cite
Stroumsa, G. G. (2024). Henotheising Paganism and the Religion of Abraham in Late Antiquity. ARYS, (22), 335-354. https://doi.org/10.20318/arys.2024.7925