Marriage annulment sued by third party and jurisdictional rules in EU Regulation 2201/2003. Judgment of the court of 13 october 2016, case C-294/15

  • Pilar Peiteado Mariscal Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Marriage annulment, EU Regulation 2201/2003, European Family Law


Taking as frame of reference the Judgment of the EUC in Case C-294/15, this paper focuses on the scope and the jurisdiction rules in the EU Regulation 2201/2003. It tries to pay special atention to marriage annulment trials sued by a third party, and also to the relationship between EU Regulation 2201/2003 and the others EU regulations wich rule European Family Law.


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How to Cite
Peiteado Mariscal, P. (2018). Marriage annulment sued by third party and jurisdictional rules in EU Regulation 2201/2003. Judgment of the court of 13 october 2016, case C-294/15. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 10(1), 601-609.