The beneficiaries of the option to resort to the jurisdiction of the creditor’s habitual residence in the maintenance obligations regulation - the reversal of jurisprudence in the judgment WV versus

  • Anabela Susana de Sousa Gonçalves Universidade do Minho
Keywords: maintenance Obligations Regulation, creditor’s habitual residence, Article 3 (b)


This brief commentary analyses the judgment of the ECJ, Wv against Landkreis Ham-burg, and the controversy that was settled over the possibility of a public entity appealing to the court of the creditor’s habitual residence, according to Article 3 (b) of the Maintenance Obligations Regulation, in an action for recovery of maintenance brought against the debtor concerning the maintenance credit that was transmitted to him by legal subrogation, as a result of social assistance benefits.


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How to Cite
Sousa Gonçalves, A. S. de. (2021). The beneficiaries of the option to resort to the jurisdiction of the creditor’s habitual residence in the maintenance obligations regulation - the reversal of jurisprudence in the judgment WV versus. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 13(1), 1106-1112.