Prescription of the the right to enforce a decision and expiry of the right of action in matters relating to maintenance obligations. Purpose to the judgement of the Coourt of Appeal of Lerida number 203/2020 of 13th october

Keywords: maintenance, expiry of the right of action, prescription of the right to enforce a decision


The order of the AP of Lérida of October 13, 2020 illustrates the problems of interpretation of art. 21.2 of regulation 4/2009, which dispenses with the lex causae in terms of subsistence of the right to receive alimony payments in order to accommodate the possible application of other legal systems in the enforcement stage. This comment attemps to highlight the difficulties of implementation of the rule.


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How to Cite
Carrillo Pozo, L. F. (2021). Prescription of the the right to enforce a decision and expiry of the right of action in matters relating to maintenance obligations. Purpose to the judgement of the Coourt of Appeal of Lerida number 203/2020 of 13th october . CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 13(2), 693-703.