The international child abduction regime in the Brussels II Ter Regulation and its main novelties

towards a better protection of the best interests of the child

  • María González Marimón Universitat de València
Keywords: international child abduction, Brussels II ter Regulation, 2019/1111 Regulation, Brussels II bis Regulation, return of the child


This article analyses the new developments introduced in the Brussels II ter Regulation on international child abduction. The EU legislator, aware of the complexity and problematism that the application of the Brussels IIa Regulation has entailed in the matter, has tried to improve and refine the response provided in the new 2019 text, both from the structural and substantial point of view. Predictably, resulting in a better protection of the bests interests of the children involved in these proceedings.


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How to Cite
González Marimón, M. (2022). The international child abduction regime in the Brussels II Ter Regulation and its main novelties: towards a better protection of the best interests of the child. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(1), 286-312.