The proof of foreign Law and the Article 33.3 of the Act 29/2015 on international legal cooperation in civil matters

Keywords: Foreign Law, proof of foreign Law, International legal cooperation in civil matters Act, lack of proof


 Act 29/2015, dated 30th July, on international legal cooperation in civil matters, aroused great expectations among international legal practicioners. Among other matters, this Act theoretically came to solve various issues related to the proof of foreign Law before the Spanish courts, on which the doctrine had been demanding an adequate regulation for years. One of the main problems of the Spanish system of Private International Law in this area has been the absence of regulation for cases of lack of proof of foreign Law. This work deals with the proof of foreign Law, the main problems that this raises and, specifically, with the current state of our jurisprudence regarding the issue of what is appropriate in the case of lack of proof of foreign law.


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How to Cite
Ybarra Bores, A. (2022). The proof of foreign Law and the Article 33.3 of the Act 29/2015 on international legal cooperation in civil matters. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(1), 525-558.

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