How to keep attention in online teaching
applying the cycle of accelerated learning to Private International Law
This paper proposes an instructional strategy for teaching private international law through videoconference classes. The paper starts from the following premise: in order to achieve continuous student attention and effective learning, the face-to-face classroom strategy must be adapted to the virtual scenario. To achieve this, pedagogy has proposed several models of what is known as “instructional design”, i.e., models that help teachers to design the online lessons they want to teach. The model best suited for teaching via videoconference is the “accelerated classroom learning cycle”.
Funding data
Universidad de Murcia
Grant numbers Grupo de Innovación Docente GID 22 “Ciencia jurídica aplicada y docencia creativa” -
Universidad de Murcia
Grant numbers Grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Murcia E070-05 “Derecho internacional privado europeo” -
Fundación BBVA
Grant numbers Proyecto de investigación LOGOS. “Los principios del Derecho romano en el Derecho europeo del siglo XXI” (Proyecto Roma-Europa)