Crux of the problems and the teaching of Private International Law. Selected cases


This paper is a reflection on the use of problem nodes in the teaching of private international law today. The clear, direct and simple exposition of the most relevant problematic issues of private international law makes the understanding of the subject better for the students. In this work a selection is made of some of the problem nodes that are transmitted in the classroom. The exposition and solution of them manages to attract and motivate the students, and also manages to enhance their capacity for legal argumentation. Offering the teacher a practical vision of the just solutions achieved by

applying the rules of private international law.


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How to Cite
Lorente Martínez, I. (2022). Crux of the problems and the teaching of Private International Law. Selected cases. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 14(1), 758-766.

Funding data

  • Fundación BBVA
    Grant numbers Proyecto de investigación LOGOS. “Los principios del Derecho romano en el Derecho europeo del siglo XXI” (Proyecto Roma-Europa)
  • Universidad de Murcia
    Grant numbers Grupo de Innovación Docente GID 22 “Ciencia jurídica aplicada y docencia creativa”
  • Universidad de Murcia
    Grant numbers Grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Murcia E070-05 “Derecho internacional privado europeo”