Errors and successful in the application of the law regulating the constitution of the international adoption of elderly before the spanish authorities

  •  María Jesús Sánchez Cano Universidad San Jorge
Keywords: International adoption law, international adoption of adults, international private law, applicable law, constitution of adoption by Spanish authorities


In view of the limitations established by art.175.Cc and art.235-33 of the Civil Law Code of Catalonia, it is worth asking whether the rules of Private International Law that regulate adoption include the adoption of adults or emancipated persons. The issue is not peaceful and presents a series of ambiguities and gaps from which controversial issues arise, in particular, with regard to the constitution by the Spanish authorities of an international adoption of adults. This work will address the issue, analyzing AAP Barcelona no. 134/2023, of April 26.


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How to Cite
SánchezCano, MaríaJ. (2024). Errors and successful in the application of the law regulating the constitution of the international adoption of elderly before the spanish authorities. CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 16(1), 916-923.