Senior cohousing as a housing and existential solution

from Denmark to Spain

  • Inmaculada Vivas Tesón Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: older people, cohousing, collaborative housing, loneliness


The co-housing model known as cohousing is not new, but it is recent in Spain, where it is expected to expand significantly in the coming years. In cohousing, a group of people come together to live together around a common, self-managed living project. They are collaborative housing communities for all ages and profiles, although most of the existing projects currently focus on senior citizens. The numerous advantages of senior cohousing, as well as its legal framework in Spanish private law, are analysed in this paper.


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How to Cite
Vivas Tesón, I. (2024). Senior cohousing as a housing and existential solution: from Denmark to Spain . CUADERNOS DE DERECHO TRANSNACIONAL, 16(2), 1498-1508.

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