About the Journal

1.Focus and Scope
2.Peer Review Process
3.Open Access Policy
4.Plagiarism control
5.Indexation in Databases
6.Publication ethics

Focus and Scope

CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades publishes research articles on the History of the University in any of its periods as well as studies on current university problems. It was founded in 1998 and consists of two digital numbers a year. The first digital number (published in June) contains a special and thematic Issue and the second (published in December) contains a section of Miscelaenous Studies. Both numbers include bibliographic reviews which are published in the Bibliography section.

Peer Review Process

• CIAN-Journal of the History of the Universities follow the “double-blind” review system. It helps the director and the editorial board to make decisions about the articles received in the journal's writing and allows the author improve your work.

• The “blind peer review” process will take place anonymously. Once we receive the manuscript, copies will be provided to two reviewers, who will not be able to know the identity of the author. They will issue a report to the editorial team, in which they will specify if they consider that the article should be published or not, and if defects are found, they will be able to carry out corrections and recommendations so that the author has the opportunity to modify and improve their manuscript. Once this process has been completed, and in the event of a positive result, the article may be published.

• The articles submitted for review are considered confidential documents and, therefore, the evaluators will not be able to discuss them with third parties.

• The review will be carried out objectively. Personal judgments about the author will not be considered appropriate and the evaluators will argue their opinions about the work in a correct and justified manner.

• In the event that the review of an article involves a conflict of interest of the evaluator due to collaborative or competitive relationships with the author or with the institution from which it comes, the evaluator will reject the revision proposal

Open Access Policy

- CIAN- Revista de Historia de las Universidades allows open access to its contents from the moment of publication.

- There are no charges for authors in the publication process.

- The Figuerola Institute of History and Social Sciences keeps copyright of published works.

-The texts published in this journal are –unless indicated otherwise– under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Plagiarism control

In order to guarantee the academic integrity of the publication, CIAN journal uses the Feedback Studio application that allows reviewing the documents detecting incorrect citations or plagiarism

Indexation in Databases



-LATINDEX catalog, 

-ERIH Plus.




Included in SCOPUS as of december 2021. Specifically, it is ranked Q1 in SCOPUS (History).

Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index:

Publication ethics

In order to preserve and promote a scientific output that suits the principles of integrity, honesty and transparency which reflect the ethics applied within the academic community, this editorial team lets its readers know the guideline on ethics and good publication practice, following, among others, those stated by the Code of Conduct of the COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics).

In accordance with this code, the Journal organizes its functions as follows:

The Editorial Board undertakes to:

• Promote editorial independence

• Protect intellectual property

• Maintain the integrity of the published content.

• Publish content promptly

• Respect professional criteria, objectivity, the benefit for the institution, work efficiency and strict compliance with the agreed deadlines.

• Maintain maximum transparency in procedures.

• Observe total confidentiality, especially about:

1. matters discussed by the editorial board, both inside and outside the meetings (especially avoiding the circulation of documents or emails to people outside the board)

2. the decisions made

3. the positions of each member in this regard

The Director and the Secretariat will inform the Board, when it meets, of any decision taken between meetings, the substance of the matter decided, the possible options and the criteria taken into account.

All decisions of admission or inadmissibility of dossiers and articles will be made by the Board in full, meeting (in person or online).

All members of the Board will defend their positions clearly and loyally, based on scientific and academic arguments and / or the journal's editorial strategy arguments (broadening its audience and its impact, promoting new authorship or topics, expanding the presence of regional spheres or of chronological periods and historiographic perspectives ...).

It is the task of the director

*Decide on the publication of works: the director of the Journal, after knowing the decision of the editorial board, is responsible for the decision to publish or not the articles that reach the editorial Board. He/she will follow the same criteria to accept or reject all articles according to their originality, relevance and clarity.

• Do not discriminate: the director will examine the articles proposed without taking into account the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, country of origin or citizenship or the political orientation of the authors.

Not provoke conflicts of interests: the director agrees not to use the results of the articles received for their own research work without the explicit agreement of the author.


• Publish the acknowledgment of errors: the director will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies if necessary.

• Maintain and improve quality: he/she will ask the authors, reviewers, and editorial board for their opinion to improve the editorial process.

About the authors:

• Authorship of the text: the proposed articles must be signed by its author or authors.

• Responsibility: the authors are responsible for the content of their manuscript.

• Plagiarism and originality: the authors declare that the work sent to the journal is original in each and every one of its parts. All sources used must be cited correctly.

• Access and preservation of data: the authors of the articles will have to clarify the sources or data on which the research is based. These data must be available and can be disclosed if necessary.

• Duplication of publication: the author will not publish articles that expose the same research in more than one journal simultaneously.

• Conflict of interest and disclosure: the authors explicitly declare that there is no conflict of interest that has conditioned the results of the research or the interpretations proposed. It will also indicate the project in which the article is framed if it has public and / or private funding.

• Rejection and evaluations: The authors will be able to know the causes of rejection of their manuscripts, and will have the possibility to appeal the editorial decisions on them.


About the evaluators

• CIAN-Journal of the History of the Universities follow the “double-blind” review system. It helps the director and the editorial board to make decisions about the articles received in the journal's writing and allows the author improve your work.

• The “blind peer review” process will take place anonymously. Once we receive the manuscript, copies will be provided to two reviewers, who will not be able to know the identity of the author. They will issue a report to the editorial team, in which they will specify if they consider that the article should be published or not, and if defects are found, they will be able to carry out corrections and recommendations so that the author has the opportunity to modify and improve their manuscript. Once this process has been completed, and in the event of a positive result, the article may be published.

• The articles submitted for review are considered confidential documents and, therefore, the evaluators will not be able to discuss them with third parties.

• The review will be carried out objectively. Personal judgments about the author will not be considered appropriate and the evaluators will argue their opinions about the work in a correct and justified manner.

• In the event that the review of an article involves a conflict of interest of the evaluator due to collaborative or competitive relationships with the author or with the institution from which it comes, the evaluator will reject the revision proposal.