Origins of the superior and university educationin the Democratic Republic of the Congo:the Lovanium University (1954-1971)

  • Eva María Jurado Cepas Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Africa, Congo, education, university, Lovanium University


In order to understand the evolution of the Lovanium University, it is necessary to know the frame general implantation in which that institution played a fundamental role. The principle of superior and university education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, impelled in its origins by deprived initiatives, went constructing on the stability promise of the colonial system and as a valuable instrument of its work of civilization, as well as means of approach to western the moral and social conceptions. The hopes arisen after the political independence of the country, as far as the development of the university and the africanization of their structures, were seen soon spoiled due to the utilitarian conception of the powers public with respect to the university.


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How to Cite
Jurado Cepas, E. M. (2014). Origins of the superior and university educationin the Democratic Republic of the Congo:the Lovanium University (1954-1971). CIAN-Revista De Historia De Las Universidades, 17(2), 171-194. Retrieved from