New York and London Schools of Medicine for Women. A Pioneers Strategy to Access to the Study and Practice of Medicine

  • Pilar Iglesias Aparicio Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: modern medicine pioneer women, first women doctors, history of me­dicine, women movement history, XIXth cen­tury, United States, Great Britain


The aim of this article is to provide information about the schools of me­dicine for women, founded by the pioneers in the USA and Great Britain during the second half of the XIXth century, as a strategy to study and practice official medicine, due to the mul­tiple difficulties they found to access to the schools and faculties of different universities. The same difficulties which were found by the first women who tried to access university in other countries and which were not elimina­ted in Spain, at least formally, until 1910.


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How to Cite
Iglesias Aparicio, P. (2019). New York and London Schools of Medicine for Women. A Pioneers Strategy to Access to the Study and Practice of Medicine. CIAN-Revista De Historia De Las Universidades, 22(1), 61-85.
Special Issue