Resistance against neoliberalism, university radicalization. Four marxists militants from the UBA’s Sociology in the UNAM strike, 1999/2000

Keywords: Student movement, UBA, UNAM, Noeliberalism, Radical letf


In this article we reconstruct the university militance trajectories and the passage through the UNAM strike in 1999-2000 of a professor and three Sociology students from UBA, who remained prisioners for 18 days and were expelled from Mexico during the repression that ended ten-month strike. These people were militants of the PTS and El Viejo Topo, two radical left organizations about which no academic work is known. With this writing we try to contribute to knowledge about the recent history of Argentine universities and their student movement, as well as strengthen a transnational perspective on university resistance to neoliberalism in Latin America during the 1990s. Our methodological strategy is a triangulation of qualitative analysis of their testimonies and written sou- rces with a qua ncepts from their speeches.


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How to Cite
Millán, M. (2024). Resistance against neoliberalism, university radicalization. Four marxists militants from the UBA’s Sociology in the UNAM strike, 1999/2000. CIAN-Revista De Historia De Las Universidades, 27(1), 202-243.