Saint Bartholomew and Saint James Residence Hall. Half a Century of Teaching in Granada (1909-1965)

Keywords: residence halls, cultural programs, everyday life, University Board of Trustees, 20th century, Spain


This paper addresses the history of this institution and its transformations from 1909 to 1965 when it went from being a private secondary school linked to the General Technical Institute of Granada until it became a University Residence Hall. Focusing on the political and religious frame -the regulations of 1909, 1928 and 1954- as well as the legal frame in which they were based, we become aware of its confessional character, but it is all tinged by the different social and political situations –The final period of the Restoration, The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, The Second Republic, The Civil War, and Franco’s Regime– and also in the personal view of the different rectors that succeeded one another over half a century: Gómez Izquierdo (twenty years), Merida (five), García (four), Carrera (nine year as rector and twenty more as vicerector), Cabanelas (three), Bernal (two) and Blanco (three).


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How to Cite
Carrillo, J. L. (2024). Saint Bartholomew and Saint James Residence Hall. Half a Century of Teaching in Granada (1909-1965). CIAN-Revista De Historia De Las Universidades, 27(2), 161-192.