The anti-franco student movement. A fertile ground. The process of construction of a historiographical scope

Keywords: Spanish student movement, historiographic, anti-Francoism


The anti-Franco student movement has undergone an extraordinary historiographical evolution, going from being a mere chronological list of facts to short dis­sertations, until becoming a field of analysis in its own right, a prolific and crucial histo­riographical field for understanding the com­plex process of social mobilization that began in the mid-1960s. Since the first works of the 1970s, decade after decade a school of his­torians has been consolidated that has shed light on many of the historiographical gaps that existed, and what is more important, has given answers to many of the questions that were being raised.


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How to Cite
Calvo Romero, S. (2024). The anti-franco student movement. A fertile ground. The process of construction of a historiographical scope. CIAN-Revista De Historia De Las Universidades, 27(2), 193-209.