Ronald Dworkin’s one right answer thesis

  • Giorgio Ridolfi Università di Pisa
Keywords: principles, society, legal interpretation, evil law


The most fruitful period in Ronald Dworkin’s scientific production includes his two first important works, Taking Rights Seriously and Law’s Empire. Therein, he pursues various objectives, sometimes even contradictory, and elaborates one of his most caracteristic theories: the one right answer thesis. This essay tries to develop a uniform reading of the cited writings in the light of the fundamental features of legal realism and of some versions of positivism; although this implies overlooking several places in them. Finally, the question is posed wheter this interpretation implies, as it seems, at least theoretical tolerance for evil law


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How to Cite
Ridolfi, G. (2021). Ronald Dworkin’s one right answer thesis. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (44), 137-166.