José Luis López-Aranguren: democracy, moral, youth and university education

  • Joan Carles Rincón Verdera Universitat de les Illes Balears
Keywords: university, youth, moral, education


This article seeks to reveal, from a civic and moral point of view, some of José Luis Lopez-Aranguren’s work on education. Notably, the author lays out his vision of the future of the Spanish university in the last thirty years of the 20th century and its relation to the demands that the youth of his time were making. In this respect, Aranguren understood that a renewed university that is attentive to social issues could actively contribute to achieving the necessary changes that would put Spain on the path of democracy as a moral way of life; that is, a university committed to the problems and the concerns of the youth of its time.


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How to Cite
Rincón Verdera, J. C. (2021). José Luis López-Aranguren: democracy, moral, youth and university education. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (44), 209-235.