The use, misuse, non-use of the term ‘Right’

  • Alessandra Facchi Università degli Studi di Milano
Keywords: challenges to rights, language of rights, rights in the public debate, women’s rights, multiplication of rights


The paper refers to the language of rights in the public debate, focusing the attention with the characters of imperativity, inviolability, absoluteness which are proper to the term ‘right’. It focuses, on the one hand, on situations where every interest is claimed as a ‘right’, and, on the other hand, on situations where, on the contrary, fundamental human rights are not widely and unanimously recognized, which is typically the case of women’s human rights.


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How to Cite
Facchi, A. (2024). The use, misuse, non-use of the term ‘Right’. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (50), 39-47.
Monográfico “Los desafíos del discurso de los derechos”