Restitutio in integrum

  • Gonzalo Candia Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Inter-American Court of Human Rights, international responsibility, reparations, restitutio in integrum


The focus of this article is to describe the restitutio in integrum (restitution), which is a type of reparation whose objective is to make effective the state responsibility for the infraction of the American Convention on Human Rights. The purpose of this reparation is to restitute the victim to the state of affairs that existed before the violation of human rights transpired. The author concludes offering some cases in which the Inter-American Court of Human Rights adopted measures of restitutio in integrum.


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How to Cite
Candia, G. (2015). Restitutio in integrum. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (9), 240-248. Retrieved from
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