Sexual and Reproductive Rights

  • Catherine Romero Cristancho
  • Adriana Muro Polo
Keywords: Equality and non-discrimination, sexual and reproductive rights, gender, sexual autonomy, reproductive autonomy, privacy


This work makes a recognition and conceptualization analysis of sexual and reproductive rights from a perspective of equality and non-discrimination in the International Human Rights Law. Also, the article highlights the protection standards developed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, taking as reference two emblematic judgments that the Court has issued in the matter: The case of Atala Riffo and Niñas v. Chile and the case of Artavia Murillo et al.(In Vitro Fertilization) v. Costa Rica.


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How to Cite
Romero Cristancho, C., & Muro Polo, A. (2015). Sexual and Reproductive Rights. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (9), 273-288. Retrieved from
Voices on Lawfulness