Individual and Social Securities as Human Rights

  • Bartolomé Clavero Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: human security, national security, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, mexican constitutional law


Security as an issue of human rights is not a univocal concept in the set of international legal instruments. Its two major manifestations, personal security since an early stage and, subsequently, national security, maintain with each other a kind of tense relations that hinder the construction and implementation of a specific human right to personal and collective security. Searching for an allegedly fully comprehensive concept of security encompassing its multiple manifestations –more than two– in the present-day field of international human rights law, a new category has been coined, that of human security. Nevertheless, a coherent conjugation between all those currently coexisting meanings does certainly not constitute yet nowadays an achievement, but a challenge.



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How to Cite
Clavero, B. (2017). Individual and Social Securities as Human Rights. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (12), 10-25. Retrieved from