Privatization (of the administration)
This article analyses the recent changes in the administrative activity of countries whose public service markets have been liberalized under the new neoliberal framework. With the emergence of public functions associated with the increasing extension of economic activities, the new regulations evade the traditional requirements of the administrative legal regime. The evolution of the social state has also promoted a global administrative activity directed towards the liberalized markets, which is responsible for diffusing them into new environments after the processes of privatization of services of general interest. In this sense, this standardization of administrative state regulations starts the application of methods developed to allow the effective exercise of social benefits and the users´ right to access to information. Is it that unification possible and effective so as to improve the services of general economic interest? These benefits obtain the recognition of the complex state responsibility as far as it demands to ascertain the level of commitment to the citizens, who are users of the social benefits. This analysis shows the importance of investigating how the Republic of Brazil acts to assess the different legal and material instruments of the new global public administrations.
Eunomía. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad is a duly registered journal, with EISSN 2253-6655.
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