Indian (denomination)

  • Yaneth Katia Apaza Huanca Red de Derechos Humanos IDHBC
Keywords: Aymaras, Quechuas, Kichwas, paparadigm of denomination, significant, colonial, postcolonial, land and territory


The article will show how the different denominations: Indian, Indian or indigenous people, peasant, indigenous or native community, ethnicity, nation and nationality, granted to the Aymaras, Quechuas (Bolivia) and Kichwas (Ecuador) are a social historical deconstruction of almost five centuries towards its millenarian and historical identity, which causes three effects: a) domination (guardianship), b) territorial destructuration, therefore, political-administrative, economic and social disarticulation, and c) limitation in its struggle for emancipation.

Thus, the different denominations used by the Plurinational States of Bolivia and Ecuador, are a hegemonic-historical deconstructive language by means of signifiers and significations that will impregnate a colonial and postcolonial "sign" to the jaques, runas, ayllus, markas, suyus, señoríos Aymaras, Quechuas, and Kichwas become a paradigm of denomination and domination over the long term.


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How to Cite
Apaza Huanca, Y. K. (2018). Indian (denomination). EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (14), 215-225.
Voices on Lawfulness