Metáforas y ambigüedades en la reflexión sobre Agencia, Normas y responsabilidad. Respuesta a las críticas

Keywords: Responsibility, agency, expectations, norms


This article replies to the comments and criticisms made by Rocio Lorca, Matías Parmigiani, Juan Pablo Mañalich, Juan Ormeño y Flavia Carbonell to the book Adscripción y reacción. Responsabilidad jurídica y moral desde una perspectiva interpersonal. In the text, explorations are made to clarify the use of terms such as role, expectation, and obligation in the book, as well as the structure of how accountability is configured. Possible consequences of the theses advanced in the book regarding the differences between legal and moral responsibility, as well as the characterization of judgments about the attribution of responsibility, are also addressed. Finally, various aspects of the distinction between the imputation of responsibility and the imputation of actions are discussed.


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How to Cite
Figueroa Rubio, S. (2022). Metáforas y ambigüedades en la reflexión sobre Agencia, Normas y responsabilidad. Respuesta a las críticas. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (23), 491-515.
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