Corrupción y lucha contra la corrupción desde una perspectiva regulatoria
The aim of this paper is to reconsider anticorruption from a regulatory perspective. In fact, while regulation used to be considered the first and most powerful tool for combating and preventing corruption, paradoxically, laws and regulations provide opportunities for rent-seeking and can be frequently used as tools for profit. When a regulation establishes administrative activities and controls, for example, it makes public agents more vulnerable to bribery or other illicit exchanges. This approach requires an integrated regulatory anticorruption strategy –enriched
by contributions from behavioral sciences– that combines different tools. Such a strategy would involve better regulation tools, such as simplification as well as ex ante and ex post assessment of legislation and regulation; transparency about the interests affected by legislation and involved in the process of making law; assessment of regulation for potential corruption; anticorruption management of existing stock of regulations.
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