About the Journal

1.Focus and Scope
2.Peer Review Process
3.Open Access Policy
4.Plagiarism control
5.FEMERIS indexation
6.Ethical and good practices statement

Focus and Scope

The aim of FEMERIS is to spread doctrinal and rigorous studies on gender in all disciplines, including history, philosophy, legal sciences, social sciences and information sciences, among others. Anyone interested in the world of research and teaching in this field can submit original and unpublished papers that have not been submitted to other journals, whether articles or any other material suitable, into the different sections. The Editorial Board will carry out a first editorial revision of the received articles in order to assess compliance with minimum quality standards and subsequently start the Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The aim of FEMERIS is to spread doctrinal and rigorous studies on gender in all disciplines, including history, philosophy, legal sciences, social sciences and information sciences, among others. Anyone interested in the world of research and teaching in this field can submit original and unpublished papers that have not been submitted to other journals, whether articles or any other material suitable, into the different sections. The Editorial Board will carry out a first editorial revision of the received articles in order to assess compliance with minimum quality standards and subsequently start the Peer Review Process.

Peer review process of the Studies section

The receipt of an original, to be included in the papers section, does not presume the acceptance for publication. The originals are firstly read by the Editorial Board to assess whether they meet both the formal requirements indicated, as well as a minimum of scientific content and adaptation to the editorial lines and objectives of the journal. The distribution among the different members of the Council will be made according to the subject in which each member is a specialist.

Once the requirements have been fulfilled, and following the system of any academic journal, the articles will be submitted for the opinion of two or more external specialists to whom FEMERIS will request their collaboration. As it is a multidisciplinary journal, the distribution of the studies will be done according to the specific specialty of the paper presented.

The reports will be anonymous and may recommend to the author the introduction of modifications. In case that the two reports received were contradictory, a third external reviewer will come into play. Authors whose articles have obtained a favorable opinion but with suggestions for corrections must send it back to FEMERIS with the improvements incorporated within 15 days. In the case of major changes, the article will be evaluated again by two external evaluators and a member of the Editorial Board, before its eventual publication. If the non-acceptance of an article becomes necessary, the decision will be communicated to its author without FEMERIS having the obligation, for confidentiality reasons, to make known the negative outcome.

The journal undertakes to inform authors of the results of the peer review process within three months of its commencement.

The intellectual property of the articles belongs to the authors. The editing and publication rights pertain to the FEMERIS journal, which provides free access to its content as it recognizes that this measure supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.

After the article has been published in the journal, the articles and other materials contained in the journal may be freely disposed of only in the event that they are used for educational or scientific purposes and as long as the mention of the year it was published and journal number is included. Any commercial use is clearly punished by law.

Plagiarism control

In order to guarantee the academic integrity of the publication, FEMERIS journal uses the Feedback Studio application which reviews the papers detecting incorrect citations or plagiarism.

FEMERIS indexation

The Femeris journal is indexed in the following databases:

- ÍnDICEs-CSIC database

- LATINDEX 2.0 catalogue

- Referenced in Dialnet (University of La Rioja)

- Included in ERIH PLUS

- Analyzed by MIAR (Matriu d'Informació per a l'Avaluació de Revistes)

Ethical and good practices statement

The ethical code of the FEMERIS journal is inspired by the Principles of Transparency and Good Practice in Academic Publications established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The Director, the Secretary and the editorial team shall act in accordance with the Code of Conduct. FEMERIS will not divulge texts that have already been published and will report suspected cases of plagiarism or any inappropriate attitude on the part of the authors, all articles will be subject to an anti-plagiarism control.
For their part, they also undertake to guarantee that the evaluation process will be fair, guaranteeing anonymity, impartiality and that it will be carried out within the established deadlines. Likewise, the selection of the evaluators will be made according to the criteria of integrity, quality and knowledge of the subject matter of the submitted text. Finally, the confidentiality of both the authors and the evaluators of the articles will be guaranteed at all times.
With regard to the responsibilities of authors, they must guarantee the originality of their works and be aware of the consequences of scientific malpractice. Therefore, in their text they must always indicate their sources and provide detailed quotations of all the publications they have used for their elaboration following the citation method established by FEMERIS. Finally, by submitting the article, they accept the review process used by the journal (double-blind peer review).
With regard to the responsibility of the reviewers, they must maintain the confidentiality of the text received, evaluate it in accordance with scientific criteria of reliability and rigour, and report any possible plagiarism or malpractice.