Sacred masculinity and religious pederasty

  • Juan José Tamayo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: Catholic Church, sexual abuses, victims, patriarchal structure, hegemonic masculinity, sacred masculinity


This remark aims to analyse one of the biggest scandals in the Catholic Church, the sexual abuses against defenceless victims in numerous ecclesiastic institutions: Churches, Novitiates, Schools, committed by Cardinals, Archbishops, Priests, Religious Educators, and Spiritual Fathers. The root of such an abominable, violent and criminal practice lies, in my opinion, on the patriarchal structure of the Catholic Church and on the hegemonic masculinity. The sacred masculinity legalize every male act, no matter how perverse they are, since they represent and speak for God. The sacred masculinity became a necessary condition to exert power, every power, every powers. This power begins by the control of the souls, it continues with minds manipulations and gets to bodies appropriation.


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How to Cite
Tamayo, J. J. (2016). Sacred masculinity and religious pederasty. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar De Estudios De Género, 1(1/2), 172-180. Retrieved from