About Ancient Pre-Aristotelian Economic Thought in General and Plato’s in Particular
It is usually considered that pre-Aristotelian thought had little interest in economic problems. However, many authors of the end of the 5th or the beginning of the 4th century BC (Ps.-Xenophon, Plato, Xenophon, Phaleas of Chalcedon) pay particular attention to these questions in their political theories or criticisms. While their thoughts diverge in detail, they all share the same distrust of commercial activities and monetary economy. These thinkers introduce a strong and detailed critique of the economic transformations of their time, grounded on shared (aristocratic) political assumptions. In Plato’s works in particular, the importance of economic realities appears in his acerbic criticism of Athenian democracy, as well as in his political constructions of the Republic, of the Critias and the Timaeus, or of the Laws. By alternating general (of this movement of thought at the turn of the 5th century) and circumstantial (because the importance of economy in Plato’s cities unveils itself in apparently minor details) approach, the article hopes to show the fundamental character of the economic reflections in classical Greek thought, before the works of the Stagirite.
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