“Transnational” work. Present and future challenges of cross-borders employment contracts executed extraterritorially

Keywords: cross-borders employment contract, applicable law, extraterritoriality


The purpose of this work is to reflect on the problems of cross borders employment
contracts in which work is carry out outside of a physical-territorial place. In this sense, the article focuses on cases of extraterritoriality in the execution of services from the perspective of the applicable Law. It starts with the analysis of the classic extraterritorial work in the maritime and/or air domain, continuing
with the most recent assumptions of extraterritoriality linked to the “fourth or fifth dimension” in the digital space or in cyberspace. Finally, it analyses the work execution of future (or not so future) extraterritorial services in maritimeartificial spaces or cities or in outer space.


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How to Cite
Fotinopoulos Basurko , O. (2023). “Transnational” work. Present and future challenges of cross-borders employment contracts executed extraterritorially. LABOS Revista De Derecho Del Trabajo Y Protección Social, 4(1), 21-58. https://doi.org/10.20318/labos.2023.7638
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