About the possibility of celebrating digital procedural acts (especially trials) in the social jurisdiction after the lastest regulatory changes

Keywords: Social Order of Jurisdiction, digitization of justice, labor courts, digital trials


Currently, the Social Order of the Jurisdiction suffers from a situation that is far from ideal, with excessive and probably unjustified delays, with the risk of ending up harming the fundamental right to effective judicial protection, as it has been declared for the highest interpreter of the constitution. 

Faced with this situation, and together with other possible solutions (most notably, the greater provision of material and human resources), technology is presented as a balm of “fierabrás”, a potential remedy for (almost) all the problems suffered by labor courts.
Specifically, this essay raises for debate whether the holding of digital procedural actions (especially, but not only, trials) could contribute to improving the development of the Labor Courts, reaching an affirmative conclusion, although nuanced.


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How to Cite
Tascón López, R. (2024). About the possibility of celebrating digital procedural acts (especially trials) in the social jurisdiction after the lastest regulatory changes. LABOS Revista De Derecho Del Trabajo Y Protección Social, 5(1), 247-265. https://doi.org/10.20318/labos.2024.8405

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