Progress and challenges in the prevention and eradication of digital violence against women in Mexico

Keywords: Human rights, women, gender violence, digital violence, victims


The article presents us with an analysis of the effectiveness of women's human rights, particularly, the right to a life free of violence, focusing on digital violence, a type of violence that is on the rise and whose complexity lies largely in the determination of legal competence in the digital world, where the establishment of digital borders does not exist, at least in Latin America, unlike Europe, which has been making progress in this situation. The improper use of technology, whether due to ignorance or intent, entails consequences that may be irreparable, we mean that the desperation in which the victim may be placed, lead them to commit suicide or seek revenge at their own hand. The foregoing goes hand in hand with the ineffectiveness of the justice administration and prosecution systems that contribute to the fact that, at least in the case of Mexico,
there is impunity that reaches almost 100% and a black figure that is between 93% of unreported crimes, where we can perfectly locate the victims of cybercrimes. In this way, in the article you will be able to learn about the reforms that have been carried out in Mexico, which we might think have come late and in the face of demands from society, mainly from victims who pointed out the need to typify the behaviors that are
committed in Internet, where women and girls are the most vulnerable. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez Díaz, M. F. (2022). Progress and challenges in the prevention and eradication of digital violence against women in Mexico. REVISTA ELECTRONICA IBEROAMERICANA, 16(2), 103-122.