Culture in contemporary international relations. Cultural diplomacy, the model of Spain and the Ibero-American space

Keywords: Culture


This article develops the theme of the positioning of culture in the framework of interna-tional relations through cultural diplomacy; which constitutes a new tool in bilateral and multilateral relations. The instrumentalization of culture to represent a national identity varies according to the order of priorities of a political system’s foreign policy; or according to the competencies attributed to certain state bodies in charge of cultural missions. States equip themselves with the means and strategies of action to develop their foreign policy as a whole; including their cultural diplomacy; in order to give it a specific orientation. The philosophy of state interventions in this field follows various logics; whether liberal; mixed or dirigiste. The emergence of the Spanish model in the 1990s; with its approach; assets; characteristics and geo-cultural dimensions; constitutes an innovative prototype of cultural diplomacy; especially in terms of influence; projection and partner-ship; which is manifested through the work of the Instituto Cervantes and other orga-nizations. Its historical ties with the Ibero-American space are proof of the strategic and original relationship that makes Spain the cornerstone of Iberophony.


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How to Cite
Farej, M. M. (2023). Culture in contemporary international relations. Cultural diplomacy, the model of Spain and the Ibero-American space. REVISTA ELECTRONICA IBEROAMERICANA, 17(2), 175-204.