La religión en las sociedades iberas: una visión panorámica

  • Ignasi Grau Mira INAPH. Universidad de Alicante
  • Carmen Rueda Galán IAI. Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: Iberian Iron Age societies, religión, ritual practices, ideology


In this paper, we review the main aspects of religión among Iberian societies. The peoples who occupied the Mediterranean coast and the southern Iberian Peninsula between the 6th and the 1st centuries B.C. developed complex religious systems and ritual practices that we recognize mainly from archaeological research. This paper explains some of the main aspects of the studies on the Iberian religion and presents the state of the art and current issues in religious studies.


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How to Cite
Grau Mira, I., & Rueda Galán, C. (2018). La religión en las sociedades iberas: una visión panorámica. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (28), 47-72.
Special issue