Para una historiografía de la religión hispanorromana en el marco de la civitas: el paradigma de los cultos locales en el noroeste

  • Mª Cruz González-Rodríguez Universidad del País Vasco. UPV/EHU
Keywords: Religion the Roman Hispania, Hispania, Northwest, priesthood, places of worship, local cults, religio, civitas


This paper aims to offer a historiographic summary of the most significant contributions of this century concerning the religion of Roman Hispania (1st–3rd c. A.D.) in order to reflect on the progress of research conducted since the 20th century. We will focus on the achievements in three fundamental areas: priesthood, cults (especially the local cults of the NW) and places of worship. Finally, mention is made concerning research gaps and issues that should be addressed in the future.


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How to Cite
González-Rodríguez, M. C. (2018). Para una historiografía de la religión hispanorromana en el marco de la civitas: el paradigma de los cultos locales en el noroeste. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (28), 73-94.
Special issue