La historia militar: más allá de la descripción del acontecimiento. El ejemplo de la frontera luso-extremeña en el contexto de la Guerra de Sucesión de 1475

  • Carlos J. Rodríguez Casillas Universidad de Extremadura
Keywords: War, military history, historiography


Although military history has managed to develop and diversify its areas of analysis over the past few decades, there are still many researchers who identify this discipline with the study of weaponry and description of battles. The aim of this project is therefore to highlight the importance of military history as a tool for analysis, which can be used to understand the social and economic foundations of any given era. To bear this out, we analyse campaigns on the Castilian-Portuguese border during the War of Succession of 1475.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Casillas, C. J. (2018). La historia militar: más allá de la descripción del acontecimiento. El ejemplo de la frontera luso-extremeña en el contexto de la Guerra de Sucesión de 1475. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (28), 259-276.
Collective book