L' "Uomo nuovo" nella politica europea tra le due guerre

  • Angelo Ventrone Università di Macerata
Keywords: Spanish Second Republic, The New man, Political violence, Fascism, Falangism


This essay examines the centrality of the ‘new man’ theme in the fascist and pro-fascist move­ment and regime of the interwar period. In par­ticular, it emphasizes the link between the rapid and massive social and economic changes affect­ing Europe since the end of the 1800s and the attempt to provide a policy answer to the fear of moral decadence and physical degeneration, not­ing that these same transformations gave birth to large sectors of public opinion.


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How to Cite
Ventrone, A. (2018). L’ "Uomo nuovo" nella politica europea tra le due guerre. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (29), 13-36. https://doi.org/10.20318/revhisto.2018.4227
Special issue